Privacy Policy

At Aston Construction (NE) Ltd., we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to enhance your experience on our site and ultimately improve the service we offer you. You can find more details about our Privacy Policy below.

Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer as you surf the internet. They can store a variety of information and therefore have associated privacy implications. We have tried to ensure that the cookies used by our site are commonplace and inoffensive, but that is ultimately up to each user to decide.

Google Analytics

Like most companies, we use Google Analytics to gather anonymised data on how visitors use our site; this includes information on the number of visitors, which pages are viewed, etc. While we would prefer you let us gather this data, as it is valuable to us continuously improving our website, you can opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics at

Third party widgets

We have embedded elements of our website with widgets from trusted third parties; this includes features like interactive maps. We believe that these features make our website better for our users, but most do come with their own cookies. We do not control these cookies, and unfortunately therefore cannot provide any guarantees on what they do.

How do I opt out?

As noted above, you can opt out of Google Analytics at

While we would love to be able to offer an entirely cookie-free version of our site, we do not have the resources to make this a reality. Unfortunately, if you are unwilling to accept our use of cookies, then there is no option other than to not use our site. We hope that you will agree however that your privacy is safe in our hands.

How can I provide comments on your Privacy Policy?

We are always happy to receive comments on our Privacy Policy. You can contact us any time at